Our Commitment
BSP’s commitment to cultural competency sets us apart. Guided by that commitment, our team delivers results that are relevant, reliable, and useful.
Our Clients
Our Clients include office holders or candidates who have run for president, Congress, governor, and state legislator, plus a variety of national, congressional, gubernatorial party committees. We also boast as clients a wide range of think tanks, universities, advocacy groups, citizen organizations, and other non-profits.
A poll result is only as a good as its design and execution. The types of questions asked and to whom; the proper sampling techniques and sample weighting; and the precision with which results are analyzed—each of these components is essential. BSP’s command of survey design yields more than crosstabs: We deliver meaning.
Focus Groups
Qualitative responses drawn from focus groups bolster and amplify quantitative poll results. At BSP, our extensive experience—from picking ideal communities to interview to our multi-lingual moderators who facilitate small-group conversations—generates information that clarifies survey results in ways that inform messaging decisions.
Successful messages meet audiences where they are: In their language and dialect, speaking to their needs and hopes. BSP knows that political messaging resonates best when the client’s objectives are translated into succinct, relatable language capable of both motivating and mobilizing.
Data Analytics
Because numbers can be distorted to serve multiple, even conflicting narratives, competent data analysis is essential to differentiate between numbers that clarify and those that obscure. With a roster of rigorous, university-trained methodologists, BSP’s analytics team converts Big Data into understandable, agenda-driven numbers.