Anaís Xitlali López, Senior Analyst

Anaís Xitlali López

Senior Analyst

Anaís is a Senior Analyst at BSP Research and has managed nationwide polls of Latinos. Her work focuses on analyzing Latino partisanship in America and the development of political affiliation among Latinos, particularly young Latino voters. Anaís collaborates with clients on research design, implementation, and data analysis for quantitative and qualitative projects.

During the 2020 presidential and 2022 midterm elections, she analyzed the messaging effects on young Latino voters in battleground states to develop effective, targeted messages. She has also managed statewide polls of Latino voters on various projects across the country, including Alaska, and has conducted research on Cubans, South Americans, and Puerto Rican subgroups in Florida. Anaís has led large scale polling and survey projects on healthcare, immigration, education, and climate change across the country. She has directed research for groups such as the DNC, DCCC, BBT, Voto Latino, Priorities USA, Power California, and Latinos for Education. Anaís also supervises national and regional focus groups and qualitative diaries with hard-to-reach populations in various languages.

Anaís is a graduate of the University of California-Los Angeles, where she obtained a B.A. in Political Science and a minor in Chicanx Studies. She is currently obtaining her Master’s in Public Policy and the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy in Washington D.C. Anaís is based in D.C.